
$101.50 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 22, 2024

Last Trade
October 22, 2024

ALT2612 Market Cap & Volume


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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $5,200,100 USD
Soft Cap $0 USD
Raise Status Open since Active
Minimum Investment $125,000 USD
Accepted Investors International Accredited
Exemptions Securitisation Law 2004
Instrument Bond
Token Issuance Info No lockout period

Token Information

Price Per (ALT2612) $101.5 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform Bitfinex Securities
Secondary Marketplace Bitfinex Securities
Blockchains Available On Liquid
Security Type Fixed Income
Asset Class Debt
Payment Options USD

Token Rights

10% Coupon Payable Quarterly in USDT



ALTERNATIVE is a securitization fund established in Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and managed by Mikro Kapital Management S.A. (a specially created management company incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg). ALTERNATIVE is a part of Mikro Kapital established in 2008.

ALT2612 primarily acquires risks connected to debt and equity of micro-financing companies, small financial institutions, leasing companies, banks or credit cooperatives granting access to financing services to micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs in Italy, Romania, Moldova and in emerging countries along the Silk Road.

Issuer(s): ALTERNATIVE - an unregulated Luxembourg securitisation fund (fonds de titrisation), whose activities are subject to the Securitisation Law 2004 acting in respect of a fiduciary estate (patrimoine fiduciaire).
Fund Manager: Mikro Kapital Management S.A
Date: 11/15/2023
Country/Jurisdiction: Luxembourg
Size: 10M USDT
Minimum Investment: 125,000 USDT
Length: 3 Years
Coupon: 10% Payable Quarterly in USDT
The proceeds generated from the sale of the Tokens will be primarily used by the Issuer to subscribe for debt and equity financial instruments issued by the Target Companies.


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