INX Limited Token


$0.20 USD (20%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 22, 2024

Last Trade
October 22, 2024
INX Limited logo

INX Market Cap & Volume


Trading History

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Fundraise Status

Number Investors 7,542
Raise Close Date April 22, 2021
Last Updated March 01, 2024

Raise Progress Closed

100% Complete
Current Amount Raised $84,000,000USD


Fundraise Information

Total Raise $84,000,000 USD
Soft Cap -
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment $1,000 USD
Accepted Investors Non-Accredited Retail
Exemptions None, F-1 Filing
Instrument Profit Sharing
Token Issuance Info No Lockout Period

Token Information

Price Per (INX) $0.2 USD (20%)
Token Issuance Platform Tokensoft ERC 1404
Secondary Marketplace INX ONE
Blockchains Available On Ethereum
Security Type Revenue Sharing
Asset Class Asset Backed Securities
Payment Options USD

Token Rights

40% NOCP Distribution



INX ONE is the world's first fully regulated platform, merging investing and trading in security tokens, cryptocurrencies, and capital raise offerings all in ONE place. INX ONE is shaping a new investors community by enabling access to multiple assets classes in a single platform.

In 2019, INX announced the filing of F-1 registration statement for a regulated Token Offering, launching August 2020. With $85M raised INX officially closes its primary offering in April 2021 with 7,200 retail & institutional investors across 75 countries. The token started trading July 2021.


The INX Token has both security and utility characteristics. As a security, token holders receive an annual 40% distribution of any positive net operating cash flow. As utility tokens will be used to pay for trading fees on the crypto trading platform.
