By distributing a dividend, we are striving to provide our investors with a clear,comprehensible return on their investment.Promotes price stability by encouraging token holders to temporarily lock uptokens in order to receive dividends. Although tZero deployed the token contract and created the tokens, holders cannot access them until January 10, 2019. To comply with securities regulations, they must remain in a custodial wallet for 90 days after issuance. After this period, holders and other accredited investors will be able to trade them on a platform tZero is currently developing. Non-accredited investors can join the party by August 6, 2019, through an approved trading platform. tZero also plans to register the securities to allow secondary trading on international exchanges.
tZERO Security Token holders may receive, if declared by the Board, a noncumulative 10% dividend from tZERO's Adjusted Gross Revenue each quarter before any earnings are given to common shareholders. However, they do not have rights to common stock dividends, voting, or a share in undistributed earnings, nor do they have utility functions within the tokens.
tZERO Security Token holders are not entitled to participate in any dividends paid to the holders of tZERO's common stock, have no rights to vote, and have no rights to the undistributed earnings of tZERO and are not entitled to any utility functionality as part of the tZERO Security Tokens. Any remaining undistributed earnings or losses of tZERO for a period shall be allocated to the noncontrolling interest held by the tZERO Security Token holders based on the contractual participation rights of the security to share in those earnings as if all the earnings for the period had been distributed and the effect will be reflected in determining net income/(loss) per share under the two-class method. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of tZERO, the tZERO Security Token holders will be entitled to the limited preferential liquidation rights equal to USD $0.10 per token to the extent funds are available