Blockstream Mining Note Token


$272,000.00 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
July 7, 2024

Last Trade
July 7, 2024
Blockstream Mining Note logo

BMN Market Cap & Volume


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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $6,750,000 USD
Soft Cap $0 USD
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment $100,000 USD
Accepted Investors International Accredited
Exemptions N/A
Instrument Note
Token Issuance Info No lockout period

Token Information

Price Per (BMN) $272000 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform STOKR
Secondary Marketplace Bitfinex Securities
Blockchains Available On Liquid
Security Type Asset Derivative
Asset Class Asset Backed Securities
Payment Options USD

Token Rights

Owning each BMN token grants the holder rights to a share of Bitcoin mining output, equivalent to up to 2,000 TH/s, over a span of 36 months. This mining is conducted at top-tier, enterprise-level facilities.



The Blockstream Mining Note (BMN) offers investors exposure to Bitcoin mining with the added liquidity of a security token issued on the Liquid Network. In addition to making it easier to participate in mining and lowering the risks for investors, the BMN also strengthens Bitcoin’s security and censorship resistance.

The BMN are unsecured Notes issued by the ORO Fund (i) – BM, a distinct compartment of ORO Fund (i), an umbrella securitisation fund (fonds de titrisation) within the meaning of Luxembourg securitisation law. BMN represents the right to the mined BTC, mined over a period of 36 months from the start of the mining operations.


Note holders have a right to receive payments on the Note pro rata with other Note holders. Their payment represents, indirectly, rights to received payments, net of expenses, on a prepaid hash rate contract with Blockstream Services Canada ULC. The hash rate contract represents up to 2,000 TH/s per €200,000 face amount of Note, subject to reduction for loss and degradation of miners allocated to the contract from time to time and for force-majeure losses. There are no putback rights on the Notes. Holders have a right to transfer the Notes to other Eligible Investors.