Hong Kong Digital Green Bond - 1.5B RMB Tranche Token


$1.00 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
July 26, 2024

Last Trade
July 26, 2024
Hong Kong Digital Green Bond - 1.5B RMB Tranche logo

HKGBGR2602-R Market Cap & Volume

Source: STM.co

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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $210,000,000 USD
Soft Cap -
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment -
Accepted Investors International Accredited
Exemptions N/A
Instrument Digital Green Bond
Token Issuance Info Institutional Transaction

Token Information

Price Per (HKGBGR2602-R) $1 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform HSBC Orion
Secondary Marketplace Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Blockchains Available On Ethereum
Security Type Fixed Income
Asset Class Debt
Payment Options Other

Token Rights

See Overview



The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (the HKSAR Government) on 2/7/24 announced the successful offering of around HK$6 billion worth of digital green bonds (Digital Green Bonds) denominated in HK dollars (HKD), Renminbi (RMB), US dollars (USD) and euro (EUR) under the Government Green Bond Programme. This listing is for the RMB 1.5B tranche.

Issuer(s): The Government of the HKSAR of the PRC
ISIN : HK0000963295
Issuance Date: 2/7/2024
Ratings: AA+ / AA- (S&P / Fitch), on par with the issuer’s long-term rating
Country/Jurisdiction: Hong Kong
Size (Native Currency): 1.5B RMB
Size (USD): $210M
Length: 2 Years
Coupon: 2.9% Payable Semi-annually
Joint Global Coordinators, Joint Lead Managers, Joint Bookrunners: Bank of China (Hong Kong), Crédit Agricole CIB, Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C, HSBC, ICBC (Asia), UBS

This is the second digital bond issuance following the HKSAR Government’s inaugural tokenised green bond issued in February 2023. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) completed Project Genesis in 2021 in collaboration with the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub Hong Kong Centre to concept-test the issuance of tokenised green bonds in Hong Kong.


This listing is for informational purposes only, highlighting the issuance information. Trading data is currently unavailable

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This bond is in digitally native format, without the need to first issue in traditional central securities depositories and subsequently convert the bond into digital format. Facilitated by the Central Moneymakets Unit (CMU)’s external linkages, international investors have the option to access the Digital Green Bonds via their accounts with Euroclear or Clearstream