KfW Bank - 4B EUR Token


$1.00 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 15, 2024

Last Trade
October 15, 2024
KfW Bank - 4B EUR logo

KFW4B Market Cap & Volume

Source: STM.co

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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $4,280,000,000 USD
Soft Cap -
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment -
Accepted Investors International Accredited
Exemptions N/A
Instrument Bond
Token Issuance Info Institutional Transaction

Token Information

Price Per (KFW4B) $1 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform D7
Secondary Marketplace Clearstream
Blockchains Available On Other
Security Type Fixed Income
Asset Class Debt
Payment Options Other

Token Rights




KfW issued its first high-volume benchmark bond as a central register security according to the German electronic securities act (eWpG). Thanks to its partnership with Google Cloud, Deutsche Börse further significantly optimised D7’s technology stack as part of the latest system upgrade. This enabled, for instance, a further decrease in time-to-market for digital securities from minutes to seconds.

Issuer(s): KfW Bank
Value Date: 7/2/2024
Country/Jurisdiction: Germany
Size (Native Currency): 4B EUR
Size (USD): $4.28B
Length: 3 Years
Interest Rate: 2.75%
Blockchain: DAML

This benchmark bond marks the second time KfW issues a central register security on D7 under the German electronic securities act (eWpG). KfW already completed a first pilot transaction (€20 million, maturity: 2 years) in December 2022. Going forward, KfW plans to use D7 for further euro transactions.


This listing is for informational purposes only, highlighting the issuance information. Trading data is currently unavailable

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