9151 Whittier Ave Token


$51.13 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 21, 2024

Last Trade
October 21, 2024
9151 Whittier Ave logo

RealT Market Cap & Volume

Source: STM.co

Trading History

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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $1,050,420 USD
Soft Cap $0 USD
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment $50 USD
Accepted Investors International Non-US
Exemptions RegS
Instrument Equity
Token Issuance Info No lock up period due to RegS

Token Information

Price Per (RealT) $51.13 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform RealT
Secondary Marketplace Levinswap
Blockchains Available On Gnosis Chain
Security Type Equity
Asset Class Real Estate
Payment Options Other

Token Rights

Each token grants the token holder the right to rent payments made by the tenant in the form of USDC or XDAI (stablecoin). Expected Income: 9.66%



This brick 21-unit multifamily has a lot going for it: not only does it sport solid construction and a good maintenance record, it’s located just a stone’s throw away from RealT’s other offerings on Whittier! RealT expects to see some true economies of scale with this property group in terms of management, maintenance, and development. In addition to its well-maintained brick construction, all of Whitter’s 21 units are fully subsidized by the state of Michigan in a manner very similar to the Federal HUD Section 8 program. This means tenancy is exceptionally stable and predictable, which makes this property even more of a workhorse than it would ordinarily be. The Yorkshire Woods itself has a dense suburban feel, is rich in diversity, and is located close to a major interstate highway for an easy commute into downtown.


Property Type: Multi Family
Full Address: 9171 Whittier Ave, Detroit, MI 48224
Country: USA
Source: RealT
Neighborhood: Outer Drive / Hayes
Construction Year: 1957
Total Units: 7 Units
Bedroom/Bath: 7x1.5 Bed / 7x1 Bath
Rental Type: Long-term
Rented?: Fully Rented
Rent Subsidy?: No