Kraken Token


$6.97 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 22, 2024

Last Trade
October 22, 2024
Kraken logo

UKKN Market Cap & Volume


Trading History

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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $1,000,000 USD
Soft Cap $10,000 USD
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment $10 USD
Accepted Investors International Non-US
Exemptions N/A
Instrument Non-Voting Common Stock
Token Issuance Info TBA

Token Information

Price Per (UKKN) $6.97 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform Orderbook
Secondary Marketplace Orderbook
Blockchains Available On Celo
Security Type Lp Fund Interest
Asset Class Equity
Payment Options USD

Token Rights

1 UKKN represents economic rights for 1 share of Payward Inc (d/b/a Kraken)



Kraken is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange, founded in 2011. The exchange provides cryptocurrency to fiat trading, and provides price information to Bloomberg Terminal. As of 2020, Kraken is available to residents of 48 U.S. states and 176 countries, and lists 40 cryptocurrencies available for trade. Kraken played a role in attempting to recover funds lost by investors during the 2014-15 Mt. Gox implosion. According to CoinMarketCap, Kraken is the 4th largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world (as of September 2020).



Click Here for Offering Page

Offering Title: Fractional Shares of Kraken
Fund Manager Page 12 of Offering Memo. Usually it's Raison Asset Management (legal name “Threesixty Elements S.A.”) or its affiliate or assignee.
Management Fee: Page 12 of Offering Memo.
Offering Start: Dec 28, 2020
Offering End: June 06, 2024
Restricted countries (additionally to standard OFAC) Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, USA, OFAC list