Scale AI Token


$3.88 USD (0%)

24h Volume

Market Cap

Last Trade
October 22, 2024

Last Trade
October 22, 2024
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USAI Market Cap & Volume


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Fundraise Information

Total Raise $125,000 USD
Soft Cap $10,000 USD
Raise Status Closed
Minimum Investment $1 USD
Accepted Investors International Non-US
Exemptions N/A
Instrument Non-Voting Common Stock
Token Issuance Info TBA

Token Information

Price Per (USAI) $3.88 USD (0%)
Token Issuance Platform Orderbook
Secondary Marketplace Orderbook
Blockchains Available On Celo
Security Type Lp Fund Interest
Asset Class Equity
Payment Options USD

Token Rights

1 USAI represents economic rights for 1 share of Scale AI, Inc.



Scale AI accelerates the development of AI applications by helping machine learning teams gen erate high-quality ground truth data. The start-up specialises in data labelling, which helps such companies like Lyft, OpenAI, Zoox, Pinterest and Airbnb to focus on product development, rather then labelling and identifying data.

Scale AI has developed a platform, which helps companies manage their data and makes recommendations for improving data quality before submitting it to Scale AI for labelling. The platform also has ready-made solutions in the field of autonomous cars, drones, content and language, document processing, retail and e-commerce, robotics and government.


Click Here for Offering Page

Offering Title: Fractional Shares of Scale AI
Fund Manager: Raison Asset Management (legal name “Threesixty Elements S.A.”) or its affiliate or assignee.
Management Fee: The Management fee is 0.01% per annum of the NAV annual average but not less than US$1000 per annum.
Offering Start: August 23, 2021
Offering End: August 17, 2022
Restricted countries (additionally to standard OFAC) Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, USA, OFAC list